Saturday, September 24, 2016

Trump's RNC Speech 9/24/2016

So with the upcoming Presidential elections approaching quickly everyone is talking about the possibility of each nominee getting elected. It looks like Clinton is in the lead in the National polls so what are Trumps chances of getting ahead?
In my opinion this year’s presidential candidates are not our best but if I was to choose Trump had the more effective speech at the 2016 National Conventions. He didn't fool around and have a long introduction to his speech; he just got to his point. He told his audience the situations our country is facing with crime rates, police brutality and the number of homicides increasing. He laid it out in front of us. I think this was a risky tactic because many people try to cover their eyes to the things going on around them because they have too much faith in the country but the truth is that our country is falling apart and people need to realize that. He used facts to help prove his point, expanding on his logos, and he builds people's fear of what might happen if we don't stop the terrorism and the danger we all face when leaving our houses, making people listen to him. People want to feel safe that’s why Trump appeals more to the older generations. They want their children and grandchildren to grow up in a safe environment. Also many people feel that since he is already rich he is not doing it for the money and that will make him focus on our nations problems more.
Trump’s issue is that he doesn't tell the people how he will possibly get rid of crime in our country. Other then building a wall he doesn’t tell us how we will fix the economy together or fight crime. While Clinton is here talking about family and how she was our First Lady and Secretary of State, making it easy to relate and trust her, Trump is telling people the harsh truth. When you want to believe that your country is not going downhill it's hard to accept the fact that it is, so if Trump plans to keep us safe and help our economy he needs to tell us how so that we can decide if he has our best interest at heart.

What do you think?

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Bush's 9/11 Speech 9/17/2016

Hello fellow bloggers!
For days now we have been discussing, in class, whether or not Bush's 9/11 speech was persuasive. I am part of the majority who feel that Bush was successful in his speech. I think he did a good job at comforting the citizens of his country. Many people said that they don't agree because he spoke about the effects of the attacks and didn't mention that we are strong enough to get through this tragic time until the end of his speech, making him sound insincere. Well, what was he suppose to do? Cry? He's the President. His job was to unite his country and give them hope. He made it clear that he is with his people by using phrases like "our country "and "our way of life" to say that they will get through it together. Bush connected to his people on an emotional level, successfully using pathos, and he was strong while doing it. He knew he had to make major decisions so he had to stay composed. He said exactly what the people needed to hear at the time. He was calm and reassuring. The citizens of United States were in a state of panic and they needed to be told that everything would be okay. I think it gave them faith when Bush said, “But they have failed” and “Our country is strong”.
What do you think?

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Get to know me 9.15.2016

My name is Valerie Izrailova. I like to watch television, especially supernatural tv shows, and read
books. I have an older sister who is a freshman at Hunter College. We are very close.

Thanks for reading!

See ya!